With its stun areas and self-defense spikes, it has never been easier to defend yourself. When carried with your arms down by your side the powerful flashlight faces forward to light your way safely at night. Find More Information About Streetwise Double Down 23 Million Volt Stun Gun Here The bright light can also be […]
Tag: Stun Guns
Do You Know What 90 Million Volts Will Do To An Attacker?
No one will even notice, because the Stun Master Hot Shot #StunGunFlashlight, only 4 inches long, looks almost like a power bank or another handheld device. Find More Information About Hot Shot 90 Million Volt Stun Gun w/Flashlight Here With a dazzling 90 million volts, it has the effect of a baseball bat, combined with […]
This Is NO Runt of the Litter:RUNT 20 Million Volt Stun Gun
The rechargeable RUNT 20,000,000 volt stun guns now have an LED flashlight and wrist strap disable pin. It’s easily concealable, and virtually undetectable in the hand of a woman or a man. Find More Information About RUNT 20 Million Volt Stun Gun w/Flashlight/Wrist Strap Here The Runt uses a new cutting edge micro-technology to deliver […]
TRIPLE The Protectioin: TRIPLE Sting Ring 28 Million Volt Stun Gun
We are proud to introduce the latest in our evolving line of unique and powerful #StunGuns. Two years ago we introduced our patented Sting Ring #StunGun and it quickly became one of the best-selling models in the world. The patent-pending Triple Sting Ring is destined for similar greatness! It is built on the same base […]
Best Adjustable Stun Baton: The Streetwise Attitude Adjuster 30 Million Stun Baton Flashlight
The next time a bad guy approaches you with the intent of doing some harm you can quickly redirect him with the Streetwise Attitude Adjuster 30,000,000 Volt Stun Baton. This baton starts at 16.5″ long and quickly adjusts to 19″ with just a quick twist of the handle. CLICK HERE to Get All The Details. […]
This is NO Ordinally Umbrella… It’s A 32 Million Volt StunBrella Stun Flashlight!
DEMO VIDEO The Stunbrella Flashlight Stun Gun designed by Streetwise Security Products is the most innovative concealed stun gun to come on the market in several years. This umbrella” will not protect you from the rain but it will protect you from an attacker by “raining down” a powerful charge on any bad guy that […]
Best Seller: Streetwise Sting Ring 18 Million Volt Hydro Dipped Stun Gun
Women need NOT fear being mugged or raped. Just released: the new Sting Ring is now available in HD! We used a process called Hydro Dipping to create an awesome design that is brand new to the stun gun industry. A couple years ago Streetwise Security Products introduced the Sting Ring Stun Gun. People loved […]
How SWAT C8 Pistol Compares To Pepper Spray, Tasers, Stun Guns
The Piexon JPX Jet Protector with Black Frame and Integral Laser delivers multiple shots of a powerful liquid solution containing 10% oleoresin capsicum (OC) with 2.4% capsaicinoid content. An extract of the cayenne pepper plant, OC is the most effective inflammatory agent available today and is successfully used by law enforcement and military. OC is […]
What Every Female Ought To Know About Stun Guns For Women
The world of self defense products is quite vast. There are many different types of products to choose from such as; Personal Alarms, TASERS, MACE, Pepper Spray, Stun Guns, Animal Repellents, Safety Lights, Knives, Metal Detectors, Diversion Safes, Child Safety Products, Instructional Fighting DVD’s and much more. A stun gun is a self defense weapon […]
Which Is More Effective Stun Gun Or Pepper Spray ?
Which Is More Effective Stun Gun Or Pepper Spray? Neither, the JPX Jet Protector Frame is a reloadable high-tech OC delivery system and is better than a stun gun or ordinary pepper spray. Each cartridge (two per magazine) fires exceptionally potent liquid OC at 395 mph with effective distance of 23 feet. This package includes […]
How Stun Gun Voltage Can Save Your Life!
Stun gun voltage can vary from 50000 up to 4 million volts or even more with the stronger stun guns being at the higher end of the spectrum. Often though stun guns provide more than power in numbers. To put stun gun voltage in perspective, it takes approximately 200 milliamps to kill a full size […]
This Stun Master Stun Gun Is SO Small!
JPX Jet Protector Is Best In-Class Non Lethal Self Defense Weapons
Pepper spray and stun guns are great non lethal self defense weapons for when you want to just stop an attacker instead of hurting or killing them. Pepper spray and stun guns are ready to use instantly unlike other weapons that might need to be loaded to use, and are a more socially acceptable way […]
Stun Gun vs Taser
Stun guns are an effective contact weapon but you must physically touch the person with the prongs of the stun gun. It is also best to hold it on them for many seconds. Stun guns work by rapidly overworking the muscle group and depleting it of blood sugar. In addition to shocking and immobilizing pain […]
Personal Safety Devices
Students learn common weaknesses that criminals prey on, and are taught a variety of preventive and corrective measures that are practical, inexpensive, and easy to follow. Strategies encompass home security, carjack avoidance techniques, cyber safety, and use of personal safety devices. Seminars vary in length and are tailored to the needs of the particular audience. As […]
Expandable Stun Baton
Self Defense Keychains
One of the most overlooked areas of self-defense is handling an approach. Criminals who try to surprise people without first taking some time to watch them often find themselves being the ones surprised. Criminals and others with bad motive quickly learn that a failure to properly choose the right victim can result in them being […]
Female Self Defense Products
Good Cheap Stun Guns
Cheap stun guns are one of the options of self defense products on the market today. They are increasingly popular because the crime appears to be still there and the amazing history of success in military and law enforcement. The cheap stun guns are the best choice for personal security. Although there are so many […]
Mini Stun Gun Review
If You Are Looking For A Nonlethal Way To Defend Yourself You Might Want To Think About Stun Guns
Self Defence for Women
With crime rates increasing they have brought into focus the necessity to equip yourself with the necessary tools to guard yourself from victimization of any type. Features include:- 950,000 volt stun gun – Built in 12 LED flashlight – Two numbers of protection to stop accidental discharge – Safety switch must be in on position […]
Best Personal Protection Gun
Women are now able to feel safer approaching their cars in the evening thanks to new and exciting technology. Another reason is because you’ll be able to easily carry it giving you, but not in your purse where it really is hard to have to. They must work when used in a life-threatening situation. But […]
What is Violence Against Women ?
Stun gun is obviously much more better than any lethal gun as both serve the identical purpose but stun gun is unquestionably a much bigger easier to use and less dangerous and most importantly it will not take anybody’s life. The high voltage electric charges interact while using electrical impulses in the body, leading to […]
Best Stun Gun for Women
Many women who are thinking about purchasing some self defense products worry about being able to use it against an attacker and to not get hurt themselves. Also, I think women are worried about actually hurting someone even if that person is out to hurt her. Usually, a woman doesn’t want to be mean or […]
Who Else Want’s a Powerful Stun Gun ?
Stun guns are second only to pepper sprays in terms of overall popularity worldwide. They have restrictions in some cities and states so check with your local police department before you get one. People use stun guns for protection against an aggressive attacker, to help prevent domestic violence, to give confidence when walking alone at […]
Who Else Wants a Police Stun Gun ?
A police stun gun or taser is an electroshock apparatus that shoots an electric current into one’s body and leaves them incapacitated. A stun gun causes involuntary muscle movements and twitches. Shooting someone with a stun gun ensures that the individual will not be able to harm you physically. The police stun gun is small […]
Pink Guns for Women for Sale
Out of an estimated 200 million guns in the U.S.A, about 17 million belong to women. Many women live alone; they need protection, pink guns for women for sale. We receive a lot of calls from women asking about the best stun guns for women. Women stun gun users have special needs and usually want […]
Why Are More Women Buying Stun Guns?
Why the rise in stun guns for women? The answer is simple: the rise in stun guns for women correlates with the rise in crime – especially personal attacks. Therefore, more women feel the need to protect themselves. Stun guns will do this. Stun guns for women are usually handy, easy to use and there […]
What Are The Top 3 Affordable Stun Guns?
You may well already realize that stun weapons are usually next only to pepper sprays in terms of popularity worldwide for self safety. They have been used by law enforcement companies for ages. These people received their begin back from the 1930s when an enterprising farmer invented a cattle prod. Like they say ‘you’ve appear […]
How Abby Used Her 200K Volt Mini Stun Gun Flashlight
Ever since her husband died, Abby felt a little less safe in their brown brick townhouse. They had always wanted to live in the city together, so they saved up what they could to buy a fixer-upper in a blossoming neighborhood. Then David got sick. Before very long, Abby was on her own again. She […]
What Is The Best Self Defense Weapon: SWAT C8 Or Taser?
New SWAT C8 Self Protection Gun Firing Range Up To 75 Feet!
Crime statistics are staggering with 95,000 rapes reported every year in the U.S., 875,000 assaults, and 400,000 other violent crimes. Law Enforcement and people from all walks of like, young and old need a reliable personal protection gun that won’t kill their attacker but knock him out. There is a new self protection gun now […]
New Self Defense Weapon Drops Attackers 40 Feet Away!
Legal in nearly every state, this handheld launcher called the Avurt IM-5 is the worlds first laser guided self defense weapon that is effective up to 40 feet away! This mitigates the close combat requirements of pepper spray, stun guns and taser instruments. Thus neutralizing the threat before it gets too close. The launcher is […]